Google's Algorithm Leak 2024 In Google'

Google Algorithm Leak 2024: What’s Going On?

Google Search is one of the world’s most secretive and closely guarded black boxes. In the last quarter century, no one has ever reported a leak of this magnitude or detail from Google’s search division,” says Rand Fishkin (CEO of Moz and co-founder of SparkTorro).

On the 5th of May 2024, Google released its biggest leak of all time to the public. This is a one-of-a-kind incident. 

A search marketer named Erfan Amizi discovered the leak and brought it to the attention of Rand Fishkin and Mike King. 

They went through the 2,500-page document and published an article for the SEOs and bloggers.

Following this publication, the internet, particularly Twitter, explodes with comments like, Has Google leaked 2500 pages of documents? And what is the Google algorithm update 2024?

But hey, are we actually going into this debate? No, we are not.

So, in this article, we are going to cover the Google algorithm leak 2024 and what’s going on in layman’s terms.

Thus, Stay tuned!

Google Said ‘X,’ But The Reality Is ‘Y’:

Firstly, I want to clear a few things here. Google’s spokesperson has lied to us many times, even publicly. 

When asked about Google’s disfavor of small sites and new bloggers, Google representatives claimed that this observation is incorrect.

The same goes for their claim about not collecting data from Chrome. It’s clearly mentioned in the leak that they closely observe how Chrome treats a specific site.

Additionally, Google has confirmed the algorithm changes 2024 through known publications: The Verge and Search Engine Land. I am stating their words here:

We would caution against making inaccurate assumptions about Search based on out-of-context, outdated, or incomplete information. We’ve shared extensive information about how Search works and the types of factors that our systems weigh, while also working to protect the integrity of our results from manipulation.”

Note: We don’t know how much weight this leak holds, but it’s an invaluable asset for all the SEOs out there.

What Is SEO Google Leak 2024?

The Google Search algorithm leak is the document containing 2,500 pages in JPG format, which discusses 1,400 factors that affect search results.

Major Takeaways of Latest Google Algorithm Updates 2024 for SEOs and Bloggers:

Without any delay, let’s talk about important points according to the leak. Below is the list of factors I have decoded for you.

Major updates of Google Algorithm Leak 2024:

Readers Come First:

Remember the time when SEO was heavily reliant on keyword stuffing and optimizing meta tags for Google? Yes, we called them clever tactics to fool Google. Those tactics are not going to work anymore.

Google denied on many occasions that click data is not the major factor (or only factor) to get a higher ranking on SERPs. However, after the publication of the leak, their statement is factually incorrect.

Google heavily relies on click data to decide the ranking of a site. NavBoost and Glue, two ranking systems that use clicks to improve or reduce search rankings, are mentioned prominently in the leak.

They even categorize the clicks into three types:

Infographics Describing how clicks categorizes into three types according to Google algorithm leak
  • Good clicks: The clicks Google wants.
  • Bad clicks: Google is not happy with them.
  • Long clicks: It’s about how long the user stays on the page.

(Geez! They are measuring time)

To retain a reader, you have only one solution: Make users your first priority. You should have a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate site with well-structured content.

Get Rid of Toxic Links:

Remember the PageRank factor which we all buried back in 2019? Interestingly, Google’s algorithm leak has discussed it.

It may be possible that this is an outdated factor since we don’t know how old the leak documentation is. It doesn’t mean that it holds no value.

Google favors links from high PageRank sites (like DR 90) that regularly update their content, as these are strong ranking signals.

Thus, links from not-so-established sites are not a good signal. It’s time to say goodbye to short-term tactics and play the right game.

Special Treatment for (YMYL) Sites:

Since the 2018 update to the Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, “Your Money, Your Life” (YMYL) sites have received special attention. The niches that fall under this category are:

  • Health
  • Finance
  • Recent events like COVID-19

These are the sites that directly impact a person’s health, safety, and finances. The only solution we have to save your site from this hit is to be very specific about the content you post on your YMYL sites. 

Ensure you hire experts for their opinions. Your content should be well-researched and highly optimized.

E-E-A-T Is Hype:

“I’m a bit worried that E-E-A-T is 80% propaganda, 20% substance,” says Rand.

Doesn’t it feel like we are being lied continuously?

And we have to understand how Google works from scratch? Yes, it does.

Rand and Mike stated in their article that they couldn’t find any need to use original images or personalize content.

Although the leak has discussed one thing briefly: author bio.

In other words, you can improve your rankings by getting a reputation as a known and trusted author in your niche.

Google can check if the author has any sort of qualifications and social media handles that make them perfect for the topic.

It’s very important for web owners to create an author archive and author bio on their sites for all the authors.

Sandbox Is A Nightmare For New Sites:

No matter how many times Google’s spokesperson denied that they have anything like Sandbox in their algorithm. The leak is saying something else.

For those who don’t know what the sandbox is, here’s a quick definition:

“The Google Sandbox is a theory suggesting that new websites may experience a delay in ranking well on Google. This’sandbox’ period acts as probation where Google assesses the site’s quality and trustworthiness before allowing it to appear prominently in search results, typically lasting one to two months.”

So, if you own a new site or are going to create one, follow these suggestions:

Infographics of strategy for how to overcome a Sandbox according to Google algorithm leak
  • Drive Traffic: Use social media and forums to attract visitors, signaling to Google your site’s relevance.
  • Build Social Signals: Increase your presence on social media and consider running ads to boost visibility.
  • Use long-tail keywords: Target specific, less competitive keywords to improve your chances of ranking.
  • Establish Authority: Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sites to enhance your site’s credibility.

Chrome is Google’s not-so-Secret weapon.

Despite Google’s continuous denial that SERP results have nothing to do with Chrome data, the leak is telling us a different story.

Rand deciphered the term “ChromeInTotal” to mean that Google uses Chrome data to measure how valuable your site is for users.

Simply put, user experience is the most significant factor to consider while working on your site.

Google assesses whether users are able to navigate your site easily through the CTR of your site and the retention of users on your site because of valuable content.

3 Factors That Are Going To Work For 2024 And Beyond:

Infographics describing how your SEO strategy should be for the next year backed my Google algorithm leak.

Platform-Proof Branding:

We have discussed before that the Google Sandbox is real. It’s nearly impossible for new sites to secure rankings on SERPs in the first few months. 

Therefore, be very realistic with your expectations. The practical way to come out of the sandbox is to build yourself on social media (at least on one platform) so you will have organic traffic readily available. Relying solely on SEO is not sufficient for SERP ranking, at least for now.

Quality Backlinks:

Before the Google Algorithm Leak 2024, SEOs were divided on the importance of backlinks: some saw them as essential, while others considered them optional.

However, now we have a clear picture: backlinks with higher DR from reputable sites help us secure a higher position on SERPs. 

Likewise, having backlinks with a lower DR is as good as not having them. Choose wisely.

Domain Authority:

Be true to yourself, SEOs. Do we actually need a leak to confirm that sites with micro-niches perform better on SERPs than macro-niches? 

The more widely you cover the topic, the more powerful you are in Google’s eyes. Once you gain its trust, it’s easier for you to rank your well-written and optimized content often.


What Is The Google Algorithm Leak?

On May 4, 2024, a 2,500-page leaked document detailing 1,400 factors affecting SERP rankings was uploaded online from anonymous sources.

Rand Fishkin noted, “In the last quarter century, no leak of this magnitude or detail has ever been reported from Google’s search division.”

What Are The Findings Of The Google SEO Leak?

The findings of Google’s leak are a big surprise for many of us. Among the many findings, a few of the most important are as follows:

  • The Google Sandbox is real.
  • Google uses Chrome click data to determine the user experience of any site.
  • Backlinks from web pages with a higher PageRank and fresh content affect SERPs results.
  • E-A-T is mainly propaganda; however, authors who are known for any specialization can leverage their expertise to achieve higher rankings.
  • YMYL sites are a special case to Google. They have been treated differently since they affect a person’s health and finances.

Wrapping Things Up!

The Google Leak of 2024 is the most unexpected update of the year. We have to accept that we are not ready for it, which is why we need it. 

We have the common question in our mind: Is the Google algorithm secret anymore?

The leak suggests that Google’s spokesperson may have lied to us many times, intentionally or unintentionally. Only God knows about it.) 

Those who have followed them blindly are at a big loss now. 

The only way to master the game of SEO is through continuous learning and unlearning. 

Google is getting smarter at the speed of light, and we have to adapt to it. Continuous experimentation can lead you to uncover cheat codes that no one knows. Remember, the time for clever strategies is gone.

If you’ve made it this far, consider reading the following article too